Home Based Business – How To Stop Hating Mondays

Most people who work a job 9 to 5, Monday through Friday often say they hate Mondays. On Monday mornings people going to work appear to be moving in slow motion trying to get started for another work week. You can hardly get a hello, how was your weekend from someone because they are dreading the fact that they have to go back to work. One of my coworkers once said she hated Mondays on Sundays. Laughing it off, I thought to myself what a horrible way to feel. She will most likely feel that way every Sunday for the next 25 years or so if she does not have a plan to change her lifestyle.

Some people who feel that way about going to work on Monday mornings eventually break out of the 9 to 5 rut and start their own home based business. They work their business part-time from home until they can do it full-time. When they start their home based business, they gain a whole new feeling on going to work on their jobs because they have something else to look forward to. They look forward to saying thank God it is Monday instead of dreading it. They look forward to saying goodbye to long commutes to work and traffic jams one day soon, and they look forward to firing their boss and staying home to raise their children or care for their elderly parents. These types of people are risk takers and they believe they can work from home. They are willing to learn what it takes to be successful in their home business.

Working a job has it advantages you may want to consider before starting a home based business. A job gives most people a sense of security. First of all having a job gives you a steady paycheck which you may need in order to support you and your family. Secondly, employers provide you with a benefit package which normally includes health insurance, and a retirement plan. People look for jobs for income and benefits so if they feel they are getting paid enough with good benefits, they normally keep their job as long as they can. Nothing is wrong with that but there is more ways to skin a cat. Unfortunately, this sense of security can hold people back from trying anything different to change their life for the better.

When you own a home based business, your income potential is much higher than working a job. If you really feel you need health insurance for you and family, there are plenty of insurance companies that would love to have you as a client at a good rate. When you own a home business, you can make enough money to save for your retirement. If you choose a business that pays residual income, you will still get paid a nice income even after you retire and you can live off of your residual income along with other income you may have coming in.

When you own a home based business, you can roll over in bed instead of roll out of bed on Monday mornings. You can get up later and work your business in your pajamas, sweat clothes or whatever is comfortable. You can also enjoy working flexible hours which can be helpful if you have children. Although you may need to work more hours in the being of starting your home based business, in the long run you will gain more time freedom as your business grows. You will have more time to spend with your family and friends, and more time to take vacations and travel. Having time to do the things you what to do, can be worth more than anything.

You can own a home based business and have no employees. You do not need to hire employees unless you decide you want to for some reason. Many people who own a home business work many years by themselves and make six and seven figure incomes. They create their own social environments by joining business associations and clubs that meet regularly to exchange ideas and business contacts. They also make new friends at these events.

You can stop dreading Mondays and start looking forward to them when you own a home based business. When you work for yourself, you can start dreaming of achieving some of the things you always wanted in life. You learn how to set goals and how to accomplish the things you need and want. You can plan your life and stop living your life by default. There are many advantages to owning your own home business. You just need to decide to step out and experience it yourself.

People who are afraid to take risks will keep there jobs and hope their jobs keep them. The risk takers will step out and try to change their life by taking advantage of opportunities that come their way. They may try several different things before they find that one opportunity that they decide to stick with before they actually start seeing their life change for the better. For most people, a noticeable lifestyle change occurs when they start earning only an extra thousand dollars per month. When someone working a job starts to earn extra income from their home business on a regular basis, they no longer feel like they hate Mondays on Sundays. They have something else planned for their life which will give them hope for next Monday.

This is Sheila, talking real talk about the home based business industry!