A Mouse For A Pet

Domestic mice have been bred to be friendly and calm. Breeders try to pair of the most intelligent and friendly mice together. The best way to locate a healthy mouse is to find a breeder. Usually the best way to find a breeder is your local newspaper or check with your local pet shop.

Mice should be kept together with two or more together make for more social mice. Breeders normally tell you not to put males together unless they are brothers from the same litter. Some owner would rather have only one mouse. The single mouse can still be happy and healthy if you spend plenty of time playing with it.

Remember until the mouse is use to playing with you and is not afraid. After the mouse is use to you it will walk into your hand as soon as you reach for it. If you need to pick up a wrinkled mouse softly pinch the base of the tail. The way I catch mine is to place a paper towel tube in the cage and the mouse walks right in and I pick up the tube holding both ends.

Wild mice are scavengers and will eat anything they can find, but it is so simple to go to the pet store and buy mouse food. These foods are very nutritious and healthy for your mouse. You need to provide a variety to their meals by giving those treats like small amounts of green vegetables like broccoli, apple, carrots, or dry bread.

Mice only need a small space to live and play; this makes mice a perfect pet for people in a small apartment. One of the best homes for mice is the glass aquariums. They have solid walls and you can pile lots of bedding for the mice to snuggle down into. Bedding can be shredded newspaper, but store bough liner will do a better of controlling odor. It also helps keep it more sanitary.