Pet Loss Grief Support: The New Perspective on Animal Loss and Grief

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Did you know that approximately 63% of all homes in the USA have a pet? Some surveys indicate that there are 75 million dogs and 85 million cats! That’s a lot of just plain love!

Sooner or later those owners are going to have to cope with the imminent death of their favorite pet or cherished animal companion. After a precious “fur baby” has provided unconditional love for many years and grown to be a part of the family, it’s no wonder that owners grieve during the pet loss process.

Animals contribute so much more to our lives than companionship. Pets seem to understand our souls and are our other “children.” Owning a pet has many scientifically documented health benefits in addition to the fact that they teach, inspire and exemplify so many other positive traits.

When the day arrives that “it’s time,” for your pet to pass or tragedy unexpectedly strikes! You come to understand that pet loss grief is real and devastating. Your heart struggles with trying to be optimistic after pet loss. You question yourself, did I do enough? Was I there for my pet like he was for me? Why now? Your mind seeks answers while you heart is distraught, hurting and just plain empty! You’re having fur withdrawal!

So you read every pet loss grief support book, every Rainbow Bridge, animal spirit, angel animals book, and all the other inspirational animal books you can find. Then you think about animal communication, pet psychics, animal intuitives, and your mind begins to seek new avenues of awareness, through your love of the pet you lost. You question way down deep inside yourself if an animal can “come back” and if animal reincarnation is real. Could pets and animals have past lives? And the answer is yes!

Learning about pet past lives and pet animal reincarnation helps you understand why your pet changes bodies. Your reincarnation education guides you through the grief journey by teaching you how to understand the pet transition, death and rebirth process.

No longer will your heart ache when your friends and family say, “Get over it, it’s just a pet!”or “You’re crazy thinking you can communicate with a dead pet!” Animal communication with a living and deceased pet is real. Multiple scientific studies confirm interspecies communication.

Even though the belief in reincarnation dates back to the Egyptian and Hindu religions and is embraced in the Yogic view, it is just beginning to be accepted into mainstream consciousness.

There are many wonderful resources with true case studies and stories about pet animal reincarnation. Once you have learned about pet and animal reincarnation, your new perspective of the grief process after pet loss will provide support, comfort and inspire hope and soulful insight rather than perpetual tears!